Abbreviations and Acronyms

AWP/B Annual Workplan and Budget

ACS(Dev) Additional Chief Secretary (Development)

ADP Annual Development Programme

BISP Benazir Income Support Programme

C&W Communications and Works Department

CHW Community Health Worker

CMFS Community Managed Financial Services

CMST Community Management Skills Training

CO Community Organization

CPI Community Physical Infrastructure

DWSS Drinking Water and Supply Scheme

EAD Economic Affairs Division

GLLSP Gwadar – Lasbela Livelihoods Programme

GoB Government of Balochistan

GoP Government of Pakistan

HHs Households

IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development

IRM Institute of Rural Management (IRM)

LSO Local Support Organization

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MTDF Midium-Term Development Fund

MTR Mid-Term Review

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

NAVTEC National Voc. & Technical Education Council

NOC No Objection Certificate

NRSP National Rural Support Programme

O&M Operation and maintenance

P&DD Planning and Development Department

PC-1 Planning Commission Proforma 1

PHED Public Health Engineering Department

PSC Poverty Score Card

PMU Project Management Unit

RO Plant Reverse Osmosis Plant

SDF Saudi Development Fund

SDR Special Drawing Rights

SOEs Statements of Expenditure

TOR Terms of Reference

TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training

UC Union Council

VO Vilage Organization

WA Withdrawl Application

XEN Executive Engineer