Gwadar – Lasbela Livelihoods Support (GLLSP) – II in continuation of GLLSP – I, is a six-years project with objective “to sustainably increase the incomes and enhance the livelihoods of the rural poor fishermen’s and agricultural households in the project area”. The project will benefit around 100,000 hhs and cover the overall 400 villages of the two districts during a six-year implementation period. There will be a particular focus on women and youth. Necessary socio-economic infrastructure will be financed both for agricultural and fishing communities including community infrastructure, roads to markets, jetties and landing sites. All project interventions are aligned with IFAD Strategic Framework and IFAD 11 corporate priorities.
The project consists of three complementary components.
A – Community Development is aimed at enabling rural communities to sustainably improve their incomes and livelihoods. This component consists of three complementary subcomponents; (i) social mobilization sub-component will engage the target beneficiary households and result in 45 Union council development plans (UCDPs). These plans will reflect the identified needs and priorities covering both public and private/ household interventions; (ii) the poverty graduation sub-component will focus on provision of productive assets to ultra-poor, technical and enterprise training for poor, women empowerment and youth employment promotion; and, (iii) the social and economic infrastructure sub-component will address the priorities identified through UCDPs (400 CPIs/1 per village) and 40 kms of farm to market roads. The component also has specific interventions to augment climate smart agriculture and household nutrition improvements through the collaboration with Nutrition Section/SUN Movement Secretariat, Planning Commission and WFP.
B – Fisheries Value Chain Development is aimed at improving small fishing communities’ incomes (46,000 fisherfolks). The sub-component – fisheries value chain package – 4Ps business framework will be established at 30 landing sites (11 till MTR) involving professionally run fishing households’ cooperatives, private sector led factories, middle-men and banks and Department of Fisheries. The overall aim is to improve the quality of the fish catch reaching the factories, reduce wastage, expand marketing avenues and sustainably manage fish resource. The banking sector will be engaged for fishermen’s financial inclusion. The sub-component 2 – infrastructure will support construction of 3 jetties and allied infrastructure at prioritized sites. Linked to this are the fish market access roads of 80 km to be constructed to link landing sites and jetties with factories and trunk roads. The third sub-component will support Fisheries Department’s capacity building and institutional strengthening.
C – Project Management and Policy Support will finance the establishment of a Project Management Unit at Quetta, with two project implementation units (on each at Gwadar and Lasbela) and will also provide TA support to the provincial government in five domains of project relevance including youth development, nutrition and food security, climate change action planning, Fisheries Policy and law on fisheries cooperatives, updating and institutionalization of CDD approach under new Local Government Act.
GLLSP II objective and interventions are aligned with at least seven SDGs including Poverty (SDG 1), Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), Climate Action (SDG 13) and Life Below Water (SDG 14).