Community Physical Infrastrcture

Community Physical Infrastructure. Community and Union Council Plans prepared under GLLSP I show an immediate need of around 800 priority community infrastructure schemes covering around 72,000 households. GLLSP II will provide funding to address these needs in all 40 UCs/400 villages ensuring that at least two priority needs of each village are addressed. Existing CO/VO plans will be updated to ensure that the project responds to the current situation. Women’s priorities will be discussed and identified in separate meetings. In case male and female priorities should not match each other, preference will be given to the priorities indicated by the women. Based on the GLLSP I experience, the existing UCDP’s prepared by NRSP in 2016, and mission observations, over 70 per cent of investments are likely to be for water provision for drinking, agriculture and fisheries, followed by sanitation and solar power for households. Other investments are likely to be household solar power, RO plants, street pavement and sanitation, fisheries related small infrastructure, check dams and flood protection structures. The project will ensure that climate change resilience is made a central factor in CPI prioritization and selection. No targets are being specified for various types of schemes to allow demand-driven identification under the union council development planning.