Feasibility Survery for Jetties Construction through GLLSP-II

Construction of Jetties and Allied Infrastructure: Of the 8 notified landing sites on the coast, jetties, and allied infrastructure are being constructed at 5 sites (2 by the GDA and 3 by the BCDA). The GoB has consequently requested GLLSP II to assist with the remaining 3 priority sites which are currently under technical feasibility study by GLLSP I, to be completed by March 2020. Once the feasibility study becomes available, the PMU will initiate the procurement process for detailed design and construction. The construction will be done in two phases: (i) first the jetties and break-water will be constructed, to be finalized by the end of year two of GLLSP II. As soon as work on jetties starts, the allied infrastructure will be designed /customized per site, based on the need of the fisherfolks, and construction initiated.



The Government of Balochistan has issued a policy for the development of the coastal areas and the sustainable management and development of fisheries. The Coastal Area development plan complements the infrastructure developments taking place under the CPEC/BRI project. Five new jetties are being developed for fish landing among the eight officially notified landing sites. A new Act to promote Fisher folks’ Cooperatives is also being finalized.


The project will operate in 2 phases: From start to the MTR, GLLSP II will focus on 11 landing sites (3 sites with jetty construction plus 8 additional sites with and without jetties) to consolidate/adapt the 4P model to the site-specific requirements of the Gwadar and Lasbela coastal area. After evaluation and at MTR, the upscaling of the approach to the other 29 landing sites (with the necessary adjustment if needed) will be initiated.



For this purpose, through a competitive bidding process, TUMAS (a Turkish Company) has been awarded the contract for the feasibility survey of Jetties which will be conducted in the second phase of the Project (GLLSP-II)

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