Project Management And Policy Support

Project Management Unit:   The Project Management Unit will be established in Quetta and will be responsible to plan, implement, manage and coordinate all project activities. Two PIUs will be set up, one in Lasbela and one in Gwadar, which will house the field technical staff for district level implementation, coordination and monitoring. Each PIU will be headed by a District Coordinator. The key staff of the GLLSP I PMU, whose positions are in the new GLLSP II organigram and whose profiles correspond to the requested qualifications, will be transferred into the PMU for GLLSP II after an assessment, to retain the institutional memory and to leverage the capacities already built. GLLSP II will finance the necessary requirements for vehicles, equipment, operational expenses and salaries of staff. Details of staff, their TOR and PMU/PIU inputs are in the PIM.

Policy Support and Advocacy: Part of the IFAD grant will be utilized to support the provincial government on policy aspects related to project’s key components and mainstreaming priorities. In coordination with concerned government departments and agencies, the project will engage technical expertise to assist the provincial government with regards to:

  • Youth Development Policy and Action Plan: In order to help the GoB address the current challenges of the poor youth in the province, the project will provide 6 person-months of national technical assistance to formulate a Youth Development Policy and action plan for the province. Resources will also be provided for district and province level consultative workshops to develop consensus on principles and activities. 
  • Nutrition and Food Security Policy and Action Plan: Building on existing studies carried out on the current nutrition and food security situation in the province, GLLSP II will engage 6 person-months of national technical assistance in collaboration with WFP and FAO to assist the GoB in the development of a comprehensive nutrition and food security policy and action plan.
  • Climate Resilience and Mitigation for Agriculture Action Plan: Based on the National Policy for Climate Change mitigation and resilience, the GoB will be assisted to develop a provincial action plan. 4 person-months of national technical assistance will be provided with possible additional support from WFP and FAO.
  • Fisheries Policy Updating and Sustainable Management Plan for Marine Fisheries: 8 person months of TA will be provided to the Fisheries Department for updated of its existing fisheries policy to respond to the current needs and challenges. And based on that, a comprehensive management plan for sustainable exploitation of marine resource will be developed. It will also include the development of a system for resource availability data, catch data etc. for management decision-making. In addition, 2 person months of TA will be provided for the finalization of the new Fisheries Cooperatives Act.
  • Institutionalization of CDD Approach for Rural Development: 9-person months of TA (legal expert, finance expert and institutional development expert) will be provided to the P&D, Finance and Local Government Departments to develop rules, regulations, budget allocation processes, flow of funds and accounting mechanisms etc. to put in place a comprehensive mechanism to facilitate, on the basis of the New Local Government Act, the commitment of 30 per cent of the annual development funds to rural councils and village organizations.

       Provincial Knowledge Sharing and Consultation Platforms: Annual provincial knowledge sharing and consultation platforms will be organized with key stakeholders and opinion makers on progress, issues and prospects with regards to projects areas of interventions as a feeding channel for provincial policy and resource allocation decisions.