Union Council Development Plan(UCDP)

The objective of the component is to enable the rural poor men, women and youth to improve their livelihoods. GLLSP-I covered around 90 per cent of the villages but household and rural infrastructure delivery fell short in fulfilling the demands, due to resource limitations. The majority of villages still suffer from critical deficits including water, road connectivity and income generating opportunities. GLLSP-II, through comprehensive Union Council Development Plans, and the leveraging of existing social capital and capacities built under GLLSP-I, will deliver a comprehensive package of public and private goods in all 400 villages. Except for large infrastructure, all other community and household level interventions will be identified, prioritized and implemented through COs/VOs. The main-streaming priorities including gender, youth, nutrition, food security and climate change resilience would be largely addressed through this component as part of social mobilization strategy and specific interventions. The component will be implemented by the social mobilization partner in collaboration with the PMU, relevant line departments, FAO and WFP. A detailed community interaction strategy, developed as part of the PIM, shall guide the implementation of activities.

The objective of the component is to enable the rural poor men, women and youth to improve their livelihoods. GLLSP-I covered around 90 per cent of the villages but household and rural infrastructure delivery fell short in fulfilling the demands, due to resource limitations. The majority of villages still suffer from critical deficits including water, road connectivity and income generating opportunities. GLLSP-II, through comprehensive Union Council Development Plans, and the leveraging of existing social capital and capacities built under GLLSP-I, will deliver a comprehensive package of public and private goods in all 400 villages. Except for large infrastructure, all other community and household level interventions will be identified, prioritized and implemented through COs/VOs. The main-streaming priorities including gender, youth, nutrition, food security and climate change resilience would be largely addressed through this component as part of social mobilization strategy and specific interventions. The component will be implemented by the social mobilization partner in collaboration with the PMU, relevant line departments, FAO and WFP. A detailed community interaction strategy, developed as part of the PIM, shall guide the implementation of activities.

The component 1 consists of three sub-components:

1.1 Social Mobilization and Community Empowerment sub component:

The objective of this sub component is to prepare and facilitate the transition of the institutionalization of the CDD approach in the ongoing decentralization context in Balochistan. The approach will result in consolidating and evolving the GLLSP-I approach as follow:

Union Council Development Plans (UCDP): A bottom-up development planning and need identification process will be extended to the project area. Community Organization (CO) level plans will feed into Village Organizations (VO) Plans that would be further consolidated into Union Council Development Plans (UCDPs) with a five-year perspective. Each plan will clearly identify project and non-project interventions pertaining to public and private domains. Trainings will be imparted to village resource persons, SMP staff and government staff in UCDP formulation. Standard formats will be developed by SMP for the plan. GLLSP II related interventions will be submitted by the SMP to the PMU for approval and release of funds as per phasing indicated in the plan. The plan will also be discussed in District Development Coordination Committee for assignment of non-project interventions to concerned government departments. Plans for all 45 Union councils will be completed during the project year 1.